6th December 2021 to 12th December


6th to 12th of December 2021

7th day of my class (6th December)


       On Monday woke up  at 5.00 a.m and I had my breakfast quickly. After that I sat to start my english lectute that Miss Ishara  gave us group activity. It was a funny activity. I  went to the temple in the evening.

7th December


           On Tuesday I didn't have lectures. I cleaned my room. I watched TV in the morning. After that I worshipped Lord Buddha. I read a short story book.

8th day of my class (8th December)


              On Wednesday I woke up  at 5.00 a.m and I had my breakfast quickly. After that I sat to start my Programming lecture. I wrote pseudocodes and answered practice questions. After that I began my second lecture. We converted octal to decimal and octal to binary etc.

9th day of my class (9th December)


               On Thursday I woke up at about 5 o' clock in the morning.I got ready to learned Windows Application Development  for morning lecture. In this , we created form interface using visual studio software. After lunch I attended my other lecture. We learned SQL lessons till 3.00 p.m.

10th December



  On Friday I didn't have lecture. I enjoyed with my friends in my house in the evening. I was very happy and enjoyed my life. I wrote my lecture note and studied very well.




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